2013年7月15日 星期一




This is the book written by Schultz (Starbucks CEO) in 2008 and actually it is a way or strategy to spread the starbucks to the world. I think the most important product is not Starbucks coffee, but relaxed.

The most important thing of Starbucks is the logo, Terry Heckler found the picture from the book and they want to express the goal and determination. The first reason to use this logo is that they want the starbucks can be as charming and attractive as the mermaid. The second reason is that they want the mermaid can take the coffee to be all around the world and accepted by everyone.

                          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOFSHj2Zb-w Taiwan Starbucks ad

                             http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU1NjQ3NTQ4.html  U.S version  

Except our homes and workplaces, the starbucks is a third place to let the people be relaxed, they can enjoy themselves and have fun in the starbucks. They also want to chat or talk with their friends in it, actually the starbucks bring them the comfortable feeling just like at home.
       Starbucks in Eastern countries, China and Taiwan is one kind of hypocritical coffee. If a Chinese person's salary is RMB3,000, if one cup a day, he will pay 1% of his salary per month , if he is an American, and his salary is USD3,000 a month, then he will pay 1% of his salary too. But the exchange rate is different. So for most of them, the coffee is not that cheap. People like to drink that not only because of its quality, but also the special satisfaction from it.
Green is the strongest color in human vision, the human eyes get most calm reaction from green light, and the cool feeling, calm comfort, and enable the person's heartbeat be eased.